Sunday, October 12, 2008

Holey Holey Pajama Bottoms

"You're fabricating steel in pajama bottoms. Aren't you worried about getting hurt?"


"You can't make industrial art in pajama bottoms. It's just wrong."

"They're great. I feel free and happy in them."


Maybe I need pajama bottoms.

I hated pajamas when I was a kid. They felt embarrassing to me. A 12-year old just wants to be taken seriously. Who would take you seriously when you're dressed in a pajama suit? The top just kills it for me. Even Mr. Hefner looks like a mental patient to me in full pajamas.

After honestly exploring my feelings I have to admit I do like the bottoms. I also love that they're referred to as bottoms instead of pants. Willy Wonka probably wears pajama bottoms in his laboratory when he's inventing stuff. I'm wearing a pair right now. In fact I've been writing in them all day. I can now see that magical things happen in pajama bottoms. My new theory is that they inspire creativity. This must be Pnut's secret advantage. It's so obvious, I don't understand how I could have missed it. Pajama bottoms are like wizard's robes.

Paula loves her pajamas so much that she wore her favorite pair until they nearly disintegrated. Her bottoms look like a heard of wild forest moths consumed them at some kind of horrifying pajama banquette. What may be even more disturbing is that I requested that I inherit them to be used in some kind of future art piece. So I am now in possession of one freshly laundered pair of holey, holey pajama bottoms. For now, they are being stored next to a pair of boots that I've had for nearly 20 years that are in the same condition. Am I nuts? Other people covet worn jeans and cowboy boots. There is something magnetically attractive to me about an object that has been used to within an inch of it's existence. At some point everything becomes so disorganized that it loses it's original form. I like seeing the transition.

Besides these pajama bottoms are powerful. I just can't bear to see all of that creative mojo taken out of circulation for good. I'm really hoping I can somehow extract some of Paula's powers from them. I'd like to wring just a small fraction of Paula's art juju from the remaining collection of plaid swatches to use for my own little projects. Shhh, here she comes.


p said...

jesus christ youre funny
i never know what to expect when i come here....

Steve Kane said...

I do all my best work in the faded pair of sweat pants I sleep in and my bath robe.

Proust wrote his masterpiece In Search Of Lost Time from his bed - perhaps our bedroom attire provides a vital link between our waking powers of reason and intellect and the unbridled creativity of unconscious dreams.

Or maybe artists are just inherent slobs.

Tod said...

Ha! Now a writer comes clean about this pajama business. I knew it. Now I'm certain that I've discovered the secret to all of this creativity I had such trouble finding before.

Unknown said...

I love the images this brings up.

ArtPropelled said...

Yup I've known this fact for years, but I thought it was my little secret.... The magic of pajama bottoms. Glad they're getting the recognition they deserve.